Facial hair is said to be mainly caused by the overproduction of of androgen in addition to other metabolic disorders. This is the very same reason why manufactures have flooded the department stores and boutiques all over the world with the many types of facial hair removal products.
Threading facial hair removal method
The most famous type of facial hair removal product that most people undergo is known as threading. It is the oldest form of hair removal method and it’s an ideal solution for the long-time cosmetic problem. This ancient form of getting rid of facial hair is mostly practiced in China, Middle East and India. The process involves the use of a cotton thread which is twisted a pulled along the surface of the skin of the unwanted hair and pulling of the hair from the follicle. This however, will make the patient feel a slight pinch but it’s just for a short time. Threading is a completely natural method and this makes it the safest, cheapest, simplest and most effective type of hair removal.
Facial hair removal cream
The least painful and also inexpensive type of facial hair removal is the use of depilatory cream products that can be got from almost any store in the entire globe. These are applied on the skin where the unwanted hair is growing and wiped off after a couple of minutes. Though the creams are effective, the impact will not last for long and the process has to be repeated in three to five days. However, one should be careful in choosing what cream to use as most are formulated to be applied on the skin. Therefore, theres a chance that some of these creams may do more harm than good.
Sugaring facial hair removal at home
The other type of hair removal that can be easily done at home is sugaring. The method requires placing a syrup ball that consists of sugar, lemon juice and water rolled on to the skin in addition to one that is stripped back. This procedure removes hair by the root and it may be slightly painful. This may not be a convectional method for most women but it is less time consuming and will show results in less than 5 weeks.
Facial hair removal machine
Another type of hair removal is shaving off the unwanted hair. This is not recommended as it will require daily shaving and the hair will tend to grow coarser and darker.
Apart from the above mentioned types of hair removal, there is the expensive method known as electrolysis which permanently gets rid of the unwanted facial hair. There is also the laser hair removal which is the most expensive.